Virtual VACAP June Conference
Peer groups and workshops will meet over the next three weeks. Check calendar for updates.
Data Collection and Evaluation
Jennifer Bourne, Family Crisis Services Director/Planner at Clinch Valley Community Action, and Kelli Smith, Director of Planning and Evaluation at People Incorporated of Virginia, will share some tools and tips that have helped their agencies embrace data and evaluation. This session is an opportunity for peer learning and there will be ample time to ask […]
CASH Campaign Final Report Due
One hard copy mailed to the VACAP office with identical PDF emailed to Carolyn. Please do not have signature required to allow the carrier to slip the packet under the door. (I am not yet at the office full time)
Megan Healy, Governor’s Chief Workforce Advisor
Virginia Secretary Megan Healy, Ph.D. who serves as the Governor’s Chief Workforce Advisor will be joining VACAP leadership for a discussion on workforce development and the new Virginia’s Community Colleges G3 training and education program.