Whole Family Approach 301

Whole Family Approach 301: Blending & Braiding Resources for WFA Sustainability In Session 3 you will learn from seasoned Community Action professionals and WFA practitioners how to effectively blend and braid federal, state, local, and private resources to support your WFA implementation efforts. Click here to register for the series.

Region III Webinar Series: CAPLAW

Cost Allocation Plans ask what we hear over and over is agencies are creating and continuing to manifest financials under the assumption and expectation that they have to maintain multiple operating accounts associated with funding. Creating huge burden around cost allocation, spending lots of time doing journal entries and transferring of funds b/c of the […]

Region III Webinar Series: Cost Allocation, Recovering Agency-wide Admin Costs, Indirect Rates – A Deeper Dive

CAAs are funded through multiple awards and contracts, with each funding agreement spelling out compliance requirements that impact the CAA’s ability to recover the full cost of providing the service the agreement is designed to support. This training will explore strategies to maintain compliance with multiple requirements while maximizing the CAAs ability to recover its […]