CAPLAW webinar: Shared Cost Recovery through Direct Cost Allocation

In September 2023, CAPLAW and Kay Sohl Consulting developed and released Being Direct: Shared Cost Recovery through Direct Cost Allocation, a resource that explores how CAAs can use direct cost allocation to recover costs that benefit multiple funding awards. Now CAPLAW and financial expert Kay Sohl are hosting a webinar to present the resource and […]

Is Becoming a ROMA Implementer or Trainer Right for You?

This webinar is designed to provide valuable insights and information to individuals who are contemplating additional professional development as an Implementer or Trainer in the realm of ROMA. Special guests assisting with the webinar are current ROMA Implementers within the VA network: Troy Gosler and Jo Nelson from Total Action for Progress (TAP), along with […]

VACAP Legislative Conference

Details about VACAP's Legislative Conference will be posted soon.  All events will be held at the Richmond Downtown Marriott. January 23rd will include the VACAP board meeting, sessions about the latest policy updates and time to practice your talking points. January 24th will include a short morning session with the remainder of time allotted to […]