Region III Webinar – Important Board Decisions for Your Community Action Agency

Identify key financial choices your Board should explore and develop strategies to present the information needed to evaluate options. We’ll explore multiple strategic decisions, including setting cash reserves targets and strategies to achieve them, purchasing/redeveloping facilities, expanding/contracting services, compensation strategies, improving compliance (for CAAs with audit findings or difficulties with monitors), Board composition and role, […]

VACAP Regional Meeting – Hampton

Region 3 meeting will be in Hampton at HRCAP on May 17. You can read more about it and register using this link - Region 3 agencies include: CAPUP, ESCAA, Goochland, HRCAP, Imp Association, Powhatan, Project Discovery, SERCAP, STEPS, STOP, Tri-County, VA CARES, WJCC-CAA

Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment Program 5-Year Plan and Initial Proposal Listening Session

The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will host listening sessions to hear from stakeholders on the implementation of Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program (BEAD) in the Commonwealth of Virginia. These listening sessions will include an overview of broadband progress in the Commonwealth, as well as high-level plans for investing funds received […]

VACAP Regional Meeting – Wytheville

Region 1 meeting will be in Wytheville at the Wytheville Meeting Center on May 24. You can read more about it and register using this link – Region 1 agencies include: AppCAA, Clinch Valley, LynCAG, Mt. CAP, NRCA, People, PCCA, Project Discovery, Rooftop, SERCAP, STEP, TAP, VA CARES

VACAP Regional Meeting – Fredericksburg

Region 2  meeting will be held in Fredericksburg at Rappahannock United Way on May 31. You can read more about it and register using this link – The following agencies are part of Region 2: Alexandria, Arlington, Bay Aging, CAPSAW, Fairfax, MACAA, People,  Project Discovery, SERCAP, Skyline, Thrive, VA CARES

Region III Webinar – Cost Allocation

Cost allocation is the organization’s method of allocating costs to its programs and supporting services to the extent each program or service bears its fair share in accordance with the relative benefits received. The organization’s defined method of allocation should be simple, straightforward, and comply with its approved policies and procedures. Using the Uniform Guidance […]

Virginia CAA’s Virtual Wellness Training

The Virginia CSBG office will be hosting a virtual training, "Thriving and Finding Joy in the Workplace" for Virginia Community Action Agency’s (CAAs) on June 13, 2023, from 1:30pm to 3:00pm. The training will center around employee wellness. The session will not be recorded. Thriving and Finding Joy in the Workplace, is an interactive workshop emphasizing […]