Region 3 State Community Action Associations and the Regional Performance and Innovation Consortium (RPIC) in collaboration with the Association of Nationally Certified ROMA Trainers and Implementers (ANCRT) is presenting a ROMA Update Training to be held in person for the first time since 2019. The Region 3 ROMA Update will be held Monday and Tuesday, […]
Do your eyes roll over at the mere mention of the words “strategic planning?” Do plans seem to disappear after planning sessions? Many of us aren’t doing strategic planning particularly well, but we could be. In this workshop, you’ll learn the individual and organizational benefits of fact-based strategic planning, how to design a planning process […]
The session will consist of an introduction to the idea of data integration, including the purpose of data integration as well as descriptions of the 8 primary aspects of data integration with an emphasis on building the foundation for effective use of data from multiple sources. We will our remaining time on developing a set […]