Member News

TAP Needs Volunteers for the Tax Clinic

Roanoke VA - Total Action for Progress hopes that at least 12 community volunteers will step up and assist with their Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program starting in January 2023. TAP has been offering free tax services to the community for more than 20 years. You...

Telling the Community Action Story

Virginia’s Community Action Agencies and our partners across the country are spotlighted for innovative COVID-19 response and recovery efforts. National Community Action Partnership highlights the work of Community Action in Readiness to Resilience: The Community...

Pathways from Poverty to Prosperity Summit

Pathways from Poverty to Prosperity Summit is the first convening for community action agencies, their local, community and state-wide and partners and funders to discuss and share best practices in creating economic opportunities and facilitating moving from poverty...

August 4 VACAP News

Richmond, VA – Inside the August 4 edition of VACAP News: Save the Date: VACAP Pathways from Poverty to Prosperity Summit – Nov. 1 & 2 Equity Mindset Training on Sept. 15 provided to VACAP network by OEO OEO Providing Assistance to VACAP network on Cost Allocation...

PCCA Hosts Volunteers at Dinner

Danville, VA - Pittsylvania County Community Action recently honored their dedicated Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program volunteers with a dinner after they successfully completed tax filing season. The volunteers contributed more than 2,200 hours of service while...

Dedicated to fulfilling the mission of creating economic opportunities

and creating a future of high impact for the people of Virginia.


Member News

Working together to collaboratively care for the entire community with a dedication to helping people help themselves and each other.

Events & Training

A comprehensive calendar of meetings, workshops, trainings and events for Community Action and Virginia CASH Campaign.