Member News

Report to the General Assembly

Richmond VA - VACAP is pleased to present its report on the Virginia CASH Campaign. The report outlines activities throughout the Commonwealth and highlights grantee programs for the 2021 tax year and includes plans for the upcoming season. You can view or download...

TAP Receives Largest-ever Donation

Roanoke, VA - - Total Action for Progress received its largest-ever donation from Member One Federal Credit Union. The $100,000 donation will be used for housing and early childhood education programs. Read more from Alyssa Rae's article and watch the video...

VACAP seeks Director of Programs to join our Team!

The Virginia Community Action Partnership is seeking a Director of Programs to lead its growing role in securing and implementing grant funding to assist community action agencies and our partners in delivering best practices in ending poverty through economic...

TAP and Project Discovery Receive National Accolades

Congratulations to TAP and Project Discovery for the national accolades they and their partners are receiving for the success of the African American Culture and Contemporary Issues Class. Highlights from recent articles: Roanoke Times in an article by Emma Coleman;...

October 19 VACAP News

Richmond, VA – Inside the October 19 edition of VACAP News: October 25 Registration Deadline for VACAP Pathways from Poverty to Prosperity Summit Summit Agenda Highlights Join the Zoom set for October 26, 2022 – Tips for Getting the Most out of the VACAP Pathways from...

Dedicated to fulfilling the mission of creating economic opportunities

and creating a future of high impact for the people of Virginia.


Member News

Working together to collaboratively care for the entire community with a dedication to helping people help themselves and each other.

Events & Training

A comprehensive calendar of meetings, workshops, trainings and events for Community Action and Virginia CASH Campaign.