Virginia CASH Campaign / EITC

What We Do

VACAP works with coalitions to promote the EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) through the Virginia CASH Campaign. CASH stands for Creating Assets, Savings and Hope.
The mission is to raise awareness of the EITC among all eligible taxpayers and to educate them of the importance of obtaining all tax credits to which they are entitled. A Virginia CASH Campaign coalition partner is an organization or group of organizations working together to provide free income tax preparation services in their communities. The coalition can be made up of many diverse organizations and may provide a number of services linked with the tax program; financial education, matched savings programs or credit report counseling.

Coalitions help promote the EITC by using their community communications network so that more eligible people become aware of the credit and know to ask about it when they are having their taxes prepared. The CASH Campaign helps to define the groups and brings everyone under one recognizable name throughout the Commonwealth. Providing free tax preparation services and keeping taxpayers compliant are two of the most important functions of the CASH Campaign.


The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Initiative grant program supports community groups and local coalitions throughout the Commonwealth as they provide free tax preparation services to low and moderate income working individuals and families. Coalition partners can participate in the grant program and those who qualify may use the grant funding to promote EITC outreach, education and free income tax preparation services.


History Of the EITC Grant Program

In 2003, there were eight agencies providing VITA services to about 2,600 taxpayers in Virginia. In 2006, the Virginia General Assembly appropriated $230,000 in general funds (fiscal 2006-2007) to the Virginia Community Action Partnership to provide EITC grants to local organizations to provide education, outreach and free income tax preparation services to citizens who may be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Virginia CASH Campaign and EITC grant program has grown and expanded to 22 coalitions working with over 1200 volunteers providing services to over 30,000 eligible taxpayers. The coalitions are adept at keeping up with trends and new technology. The Virginia coalitions were some of the first in the country to use online filing with the VITA program and they now use a combination of face-to face, virtual and self-assistance programs to assist as many taxpayers as possible. Current funding from the General Assembly is a modest $185,725  and several coalitions have been successful at securing matching grants from both federal and private funders who support the VITA program.

Coalition Results From CASH Campaign

  • Over 19,700 total returns filed (electronic, paper, prior year and Facilitated self-filing)
  • Over $20 million in federal refunds
  • Over $6.2 million in EITC refunds
  • Over $4.5 million saved in tax preparation fees
  • Over 800 volunteers giving back over 32,000 hours in service to their communities
  • Over 18,000 federal returns filed electronically
  • Almost 1,400 returns filed by paper, prior year, and Facilitated Self Assistance
  • Over $19 million in federal refunds
  • Over $5.4 million in EITC refunds
  • Over $4.5 million saved in tax preparation fees
  • Almost 600 volunteers giving back over 26,000 hours in service to their communities
COALITION RESULTS FROM TAX YEAR 2021 (Pandemic impacted)
  • Over 16,000 federal returns filed electronically
  • Over 1,100 returns filed by paper, prior year, and Facilitated Self Assistance
  • Over $26 million in federal refunds
  • Over $7.7 million in EITC refunds
  • Over $4 million saved in tax preparation fees
  • Over 650 volunteers giving back over 26,000 hours in service to their communities
COALITION RESULTS FROM TAX YEAR 2020 (Pandemic impacted)
  • Over 17,000 federal returns filed electronically
  • Over 1,100 returns filed by paper, prior year, and Facilitated Self Assistance
  • Over $24.5 million in federal refunds
  • Over $5.5 million in EITC refunds
  • Over $4.3 million saved in tax preparation fees
  • Over 600 volunteers giving back over 20,000 hours in service to their communities
COALITION RESULTS FROM TAX YEAR 2019 (Pandemic impacted)
  • Over 20,000 federal returns filed electronically
  • Over 3,300 returns filed by paper, prior year, and Facilitated Self Assistance
  • Over $24.2 million in federal refunds
  • Over $8.7 million in EITC refunds
  • Over $5 million saved in tax preparation fees
  • Over 1100 volunteers giving back over 32,000 hours in service to their communities
  • Over 28,200 federal returns filed electronically
  • 5,000 returns filed by paper, prior year, and Facilitated Self Assistance
  • Over $32.4 million in federal refunds
  • Over $10.5 million in EITC refunds
  • Over $7 million saved in tax preparation fees
  • Almost 1,400 Volunteers giving back over 47,000 hours to their communities

Dedicated to fulfilling the mission of creating economic opportunities

and creating a future of high impact for the people of Virginia.


Member News

Working together to collaboratively care for the entire community with a dedication to helping people help themselves and each other.

Events & Training

A comprehensive calendar of meetings, workshops, trainings and events for Community Action and Virginia CASH Campaign.